.. _CommandLine: CommandLine ============================================================================== Makes the command line window open. **Syntax** **Parameters** Name is optional. If it's specified, it gets entered automatically on the command line when the command line opens, and HotkeyNet expects it to be the name of a user-defined command that you created with :ref:`Command`. **Remarks** To learn how to use this command, see :ref:`14-user-defined-commands` in the instruction section. ThirdPartyCommandLine does the same thing as this command. Use CommandLine in windowed mode and ThirdPartyCommandLine in full-screen mode. **Examples** The following hotkey makes the command window open with "broadcast" already typed in it. The word "broadcast" is defined elsewhere in the file with :ref:`Command`:: **Related pages** - :ref:`Command` - :ref:`ThirdPartyCommandLine` - :ref:`14-user-defined-commands`