.. _DoRandomToggle: DoRandomToggle ============================================================================== Sets a hotkey's toggle to a random number and triggers the hotkey. **Syntax**:: **Parameters** Hotkey is the keyword and trigger that define the hotkey. See below for examples. **Remarks** You must specify one particular hotkey with this command. You can't specify a range of triggers. For example, suppose you wanted to randomize toggles for this hotkey:: you'd do it this way:: For this hotkey:: you'd write this:: But this definition:: can't be randomized because it refers to 26 separate hotkeys. **Example** Suppose you want to talk to yourself and say random things. First make a hotkey with toggles that contain your words of wisdom:: To avoid boredom you'd probably want a lot more toggles than this, but you get the idea. Now make a second hotkey that executes a random Toggle from the first hotkey:: **Related topics** - :ref:`Toggle` - :ref:`ResetToggles` - :ref:`DoHotkey` - :ref:`Toggling PIP Windows with World of Warcraft`