.. _MovementHotkey: MovementHotkey ============================================================================== Creates one or more movement hotkeys that can be used for movement in games. **Syntax** :: **Parameters** Same as Hotkey. **Remarks** Only the following keywords can be used in a MovementHotkey definition: - :ref:`PassThrough` - :ref:`SendLabel` - :ref:`Key` - :ref:`If` - :ref:`Else` - :ref:`Endif` If you need to make a hold down hotkey that is more complicated than this, you can do it with Hotkey and HotkeyUp. For more information, see :ref:`7-Movement-Keys`. **Example** The following example creates four movement hotkeys that control two characters:: The following example creates one movement hotkey. The trigger and output key are different:: **Related pages** - :ref:`MakeLabel` - :ref:`7-Movement-Keys` - :ref:`PassThrough` - :ref:`SendLabel` - :ref:`Trigger`