.. _SendWinS: SendWinS ============================================================================== Specifies the window that will receive keystrokes and mouse clicks. Designed for background windows. **Syntax** :: **Parameters** Window is the name of the window that will receive keystrokes and mouse clicks. **Remarks** SendWinS is used with background windows. It calls the operating system command SendMesssage which waits after each character for a response from the receiving thread. This makes SendWinS very slow but possibly more reliable than SendWinM. **Example** :: **Related topics** - :ref:`comparison-chart-of-send-modes` - :ref:`9-Sending-Keystokes-to-Windows` - :ref:`10-Sending-to-Background-Windows` - :ref:`SendWin` - :ref:`SendFocusWin` - :ref:`SendWinM` - :ref:`SendWinMF` - :ref:`SendWinS` - :ref:`SendWinSF`