.. _SetButtonHotkey: SetButtonHotkey ============================================================================== Assigns a hotkey to a button so you can trigger the hotkey by left-clicking the button. **Syntax**:: **Parameters** - Button is the name of the button. - Hotkey is the name of the hotkey. **Remarks** - You can assign one "down" hotkey and one "up" hotkey to a button. - A button can trigger hotkeys or a command but not both. - The name of the hotkey includes the keyword (Hotkey, HotkeyUp, or MovementHotkey) all modifiers including lock states (NumLock, ScrollLock, and CapsLock), and the main trigger key. See the examples below. **Examples**:: **Related topics** - :ref:`CreateButton` - :ref:`CreateColoredButton` - :ref:`SetButtonColors` - :ref:`SetButtonCommand` - :ref:`SetButtonHotkey` - :ref:`SetButtonText` - :ref:`SetButtonStyle` - :ref:`TargetButton`