.. _Toggle: Toggle ============================================================================== Makes a hotkey do different things each time you press it. **Syntax**:: **Parameters** None. **Remarks** Suppose you want a hotkey that does different things each time you press it. For example: — The first time you press it, it types "Hello" on a remote PC. — The second time, it renames a window on the local PC. — The third time, it types "Goodbye" on a third PC. — The fourth time, it starts the cycle again. You can make a hotkey do that by writing before each set of actions:: A hotkey can contain as many Toggles as you like. There's no limit. You can make all your hotkeys return to their first action with ResetToggles. **Related topics** - :ref:`DoToggles` - :ref:`Toggle` - :ref:`SetToggle` - :ref:`ResetToggles` - :ref:`DoRandomToggle` - :ref:`Toggling PIP Windows with World of Warcraft`