.. _UseKeyAsModifier: UseKeyAsModifier ============================================================================== Designates a key that will be used as a modifier in hotkey triggers. The key's normal function is disabled until you load a new hotkey file, turn hotkeys off, or close HotkeyNet. **Syntax**: **Parameter** Key is the name of a key. **Remarks** There are six modifiers on the keyboard: the shift keys, control keys, and alt keys. They are called modifiers because you can use them as prefixes in hotkey triggers like this:: But suppose you want to use a non-modifier like Q in place of Shift:: Normally you can't do that, but UseKeyAsModifer makes it possible. Simply put the following line at the top of your hotkey file:: Now you can use Q like any other modifier. For example, you could write:: The downside is that the new modifier no longer performs its normal function. For example, when Q is a modifier it no longer types the letter Q. Normal function is restored when you load a new hotkey file, turn hotkeys off, or close HotkeyNet. You can have up to sixteen additional modifiers active at one time. **Example** The following lines add three modifiers:: **Related topics** - :ref:`Hotkey`